1880 Train in Keystone

Looking for more fun things to do near Black Hills hotels? If you have never ridden the 1880 Train, put this one on your list of Black Hills to-do’s. Take a narrated roundtrip ride between Keystone and Hill City on this vintage steam train. You won’t find many Black Hills hotels closer to the 1880 Train than the Roosevelt Inn. Check out our rooms if you are looking for a Mount Rushmore hotel that is close to many other Black Hills attractions!


Distance from Roosevelt Inn: 1 mile

Time Needed: 4+ hours

Best Time To Go: Visit the 1880 Train website (http://www.1880train.com/train-schedule.html) for complete timetable. Note: if you depart from Keystone, make sure you take one of the early trains so you can catch a later train back

Directions: Trains depart from the Keystone Depot near the town's only traffic light. We recommend you walk there, about 10 minutes from the Roosevelt Inn. If you wish to take later trains you will need to drive to Hill City

Highlights: Great views of Harney Range

About the Ride: The train winds up the canyon along Battle Creek past Oblivion and then back down to Hill City (about 10 miles in roughly 50 minutes). The 1880 Train runs on a regular schedule between Hill City and Keystone during the summer. We recommend that you buy a round-trip ticket in Keystone and take a morning train to Hill City. Once in Hill City, you can disembark to shop, eat or visit the Black Hills Institute's Dinosaur museum for a few hours. Then catch an afternoon train back to Keystone.Info: Phone: 605-574-2222;

Address: Black Hills Central Railroad, Box 1880, Hill City, SD 57745.